on this row the latest news come from English channels that on the X or Twitter, screenshot shared by account which claim by the Indian hacker they show that they attack and hacked the Canadian armed forces website.
the Indian hackers temporally took down the official website of the Canadian armed forces according to the telegraph escalating tension between India and Canada over the murder of secessionist leader Hardeep Singh nijjar. according to the report the Indian cyber force attack the website and then release a screenshot of the result on x previously Twitter.
on September 21 the hacker collective issued a thread to potential target Canadian cyberspace with the NOTE "get ready to fill the power" it complained the following day about Justin trudeas allegation and anti India politics.
the outer started at noon and vaj later fixed according to Daniel Lee, the department of national defence chief of media relation, in an interview with the globe and mail. the site was inaccessible on the majority of mobile phones or devices, save from a few desktop user. the top official have ever had that the brief breach of their network had no wider implication.
whats news
- Cyber Attack on Canadian Armed Forces Website
- Indian Hackers Respond to Nijjar Killing Allegations
The tension between India and Canada regarding the killing of secessionist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
The recent cyber attack by 'Indian Cyber Force' on the Canadian Armed Forces' website.
Hacker Group's Actions
- Hacking on September 21 with a warning message: "Get ready to feel the power."
- Expressing discontent over Justin Trudeau's allegations and anti-India politics.
Impact of the Attack
- Site disruption began around noon and was later rectified.
- Inaccessibility on most mobile devices, but no broader implications reported.
- The hacked website is separate from the Canadian government and its defense department's sites.
- The Canadian Forces are currently investigating the matter.